Beat Those Blues | punchy x Hattie

Read more Beat Those Blues | punchy x Hattie | 13.01.2023

Beat Those Blues | punchy x Hattie

Monday 16th January is known as Blue Monday, supposedly the most depressing day of the year.

So we caught up with confidence and mindset coach, Hattie, on her top tips to help you beat those winter blues, and keep your endorphins topped up.

Say goodbye to your Comfort Zone

It’s no secret that modern life doesn’t always leave much room for ‘fun’ – and by fun I mean that adventurous, thrill-seeking, belly-laughing adrenaline. The type of fun that leaves a smile etched on your face for days. Remember it? Me neither. The older we get, the safer we play. We know what we like, what makes us feel comfortable and what keeps us safe. I would like to encourage you to find your comfort zone – and then leap out of it. Take yourself on an adventure, try something new, scare yourself to get that adrenaline going – promise you won’t regret it. If this feels unobtainable with city living – look at what’s right in front of you. An array of new sports (Ju Jitsu anyone?) and achievable thrills (looking at you Cold Water Swimming) are just on your doorstep, ready for the taking. 

Being Kind is cool

Kindness comes in many forms, shapes and sizes, but really it comes down to how you make others feel. It costs nothing and it makes you feel good – so surely that’s a win win? There are a million different ways to add kindness into your daily routine, whether that’s signing up to donate blood or sending some home cooked food to a new mum. Buying an extra coffee for your colleague. Sending your mum some flowers. Telling a stranger you like their hair. Gifting someone you love a punchy print to brighten up their home. Focusing on the small things you can do every day is an easy way to lift your mood, and have a positive effect on those around you.


Where possible, I always advocate for self-care. To me that means nurturing your soul, giving yourself some extra love and creating space for happiness and contentment. It’s not all bath, early bedtime and face masks (although I am fond of that routine in abundance). Self-Care can mean all sorts of things, and one of my absolute favourite forms of nourishment is cooking something wholesome and delicious for loved ones. Nothing warms my heart faster than roasting a chicken, wheeling out the drinks trolley and lighting my candles. My go-to is (several) Golden Hour’s (with an optional splash of vodka) to take the Sunday edge off. Bringing people together, sharing food, drinks and listening to chatter is joyous. Treat yourself and those around you. Even in January.

Plan, plan, plan.

When England feels dark and gloomy, one of my favourite activities to do on a long evening is to make exciting plans that I know will bring me enormous amounts of joy – at some point in the future. As much as we’d all love to be slurping our Holiday Romance and lapping up that much needed Vit D, it’s not always possible in January. Make some plans that fill you with delight. Plot your next adventure, holiday or weekend get-away. Organise to get all your mates in one room, just because you can. Google when your most-listened-to-on-Spotify artist is next playing, and sign up for tickets. Hold on and have hope that life gets fun again, and this darkness doesn’t last forever.


By Hattie MacAndrews, Confidence Coach